签证中 为什么要去美国留学 更好英文回答谢谢充分的理由


签证中 为什么要去美国留学 更好英文回答谢谢充分的理由,第1张

签证中 为什么要去美国留学 更好英文回答谢谢充分的理由
导读:There is a liberal environment in the USA The major i choose is much better than that in China I think I will have a bri

There is a liberal environment in the USA The major i choose is much better than that in China I think I will have a bright future when I come back


  首先需要明确的是:Essay并不是每个留学生必写的内容!不同学校及专业对Essay和陈述内容规定的问题要求往往不尽相同。除了Common Application系统要求的两篇Essay保持不变以外,各学校的Essay题目历年也都会有所变化。部分学校还可能对字数或页数有所限制,或要求提供“个人陈述”。

  Common Application:通用申请,是美国大学本科入学网上的一站式网站,适用于包括哈佛,耶鲁,普林斯顿等名校在内的美国大学。它的使命是帮助申请人(包括美国本土和国际申请人)一次性,一站式地进行原本繁琐地大学申请流程,倡导全面评估申请人的成就和潜力,平衡主客观考察因素。









  开放式开头招生官们阅卷无数,一个模版式开头只会瞬间降低印象分,因此,你需要一个有新意的开头。譬如:“I had never broken into a car before我站在车边准备破车而入,”这段话只有短短的8个字,但是包含了很多重要的信息:人物,地点,和事件。抛出一段不同寻常的“违法经历”,令人对故事走向充满好奇。这种一句式段落的使用在文章的开头结尾处十分出彩,帮助吸引读者的注意力。学术性语句表达中国学生很爱用长句和复杂的单词展示词汇积累和语言水平,但实际上,重要的使内容和想法,而不是传统的写作技巧。过于华丽的词藻在美式写作中会被认为是一种干扰,使学生不能准确抓住文章的中心。但这并不表示文章完全平铺直叙,相反,善加运用修辞手法可以使Essay变得更加易懂而充满个人色彩,比喻和拟人可以帮助你形象生动的描述抽象的事物或感受,引起读者的共鸣。




  Essay一般都有字数上的限制,想在有限的字数里归纳出更多重要有效的信息,让每个字都发挥其作用还是有一定难度的。当一篇文章写好之后,一定要回头仔细阅读,认真推敲每个句子,同时也可以给自己的朋友和老师看,让他们也多提意见。当然,对于修改意见也要加以甄别和筛选,不能盲从。一篇好的文章是需要反复多次修改才能“完美”呈现出来的。如果请你的外国老师或朋友进行修改,也不要过分追求文字达到native speaker的水平,非母语的申请者可能会被怀疑文章的真实性。











Title: The Benefits of Studying Abroad

Studying abroad has numerous benefits Firstly, it broadens one's horizons and exposes students to different cultures and ways of thinking This helps to develop a more global perspective and open-mindedness Secondly, studying abroad improves language skills as students are immersed in an environment where they must communicate in a foreign language on a daily basis Finally, studying abroad fosters cultural understanding and allows students to gain a deeper appreciation for other cultures

For example, when studying abroad in Spain, I was able to experience the Spanish lifestyle firsthand and learn about their customs and traditions I also improved my Spanish language skills by speaking with locals on a daily basis Additionally, I was able to travel to other European countries and learn about their unique cultures and histories

In conclusion, studying abroad is an important experience that provides students with many valuable benefits It allows individuals to broaden their horizons, improve their language skills, and gain a deeper appreciation for other cultures


1 Expose (v) - 使接触;暴露

2 Immersed (adj) - 沉浸在…中的

3 Foster (v) - 培养;促进

4 Appreciation (n) - 鉴赏力;欣赏









Title: The Benefits of Studying Abroad

Studying abroad is a great opportunity that allows people to experience different cultures and languages, broaden their horizons, gain personal experiences and skills, boost their confidence, and better adapt to the globalized world 

Firstly, studying abroad enables individuals to immerse themselves in a new culture and language, which can greatly enhance their understanding and appreciation of diversity They can learn about different customs, traditions, and ways of thinking, which can help them develop a more open-minded and tolerant attitude towards others

Secondly, studying abroad provides students with a chance to gain valuable personal experiences and skills Living independently in a foreign country can be challenging, but it also helps individuals become more self-reliant and adaptable They can learn how to solve problems, manage their time effectively, and communicate with people from various backgrounds

Thirdly, studying abroad can boost one's confidence and sense of independence Being away from home and familiar surroundings can be daunting, but it can also be a transformative experience that helps individuals discover their strengths and abilities They can learn to take risks, overcome obstacles, and achieve their goals

Finally, studying abroad prepares individuals to better adapt to the globalized world In today's interconnected society, having cross-cultural competence and international experience is increasingly important Studying abroad can provide individuals with a competitive edge in the job market and enable them to make valuable connections with people from around the world

In conclusion, studying abroad has numerous benefits that can enrich one's life in many ways It is a valuable experience that can help individuals grow personally, academically, and professionally


1 diversity (n) 多样性,差异性

2 open-minded (adj) 思想开放的,虚心的

3 self-reliant (adj) 自力更生的,独立自主的

4 transformative (adj) 变革性的,有改变的能力

5 cross-cultural competence (n) 跨文化能力,跨文化交流能力












Title: The Benefits of Studying Abroad

Studying abroad not only broadens one's horizons and increases knowledge, but also improves language skills and interpersonal communication abilities Firstly, studying in a foreign country allows students to experience different cultures and lifestyles, which can broaden their perspectives and enhance their understanding of the world Secondly, studying abroad provides access to advanced academic resources and cutting-edge research, which can help students acquire more knowledge and skills Thirdly, studying in an English-speaking country can greatly improve language proficiency, which is essential for future career development Finally, studying abroad enables students to make friends from all over the world, which can improve their interpersonal communication skills and expand their social network

Difficult words:

1 Horizons (noun): the range of one's knowledge, experience, or interest 中文翻译:视野

2 Interpersonal (adjective): relating to relationships or communication between people 中文翻译:人际关系的

3 Cutting-edge (adjective): at the forefront of technological or other developments; innovative or pioneering 中文翻译:尖端的



出国留学不仅可以拓宽视野,增长知识,还能提高语言能力和人际交往能力。首先,到外国留学可以体验不同的文化和生活方式,这可以拓宽视野,增强对世界的理解。其次,出国留学提供了先进的学术资源和尖端研究,可以帮助学生获得更多的知识和技能。第三,到英语国家留学可以大大提高语言水平,这对未来职业发展非常重要。最后,出国留学使学生能够结交来自世界各地的朋友,这可以提高他们的人际交往能力并扩展社交 *** 。

留学申请书 英文之最新信息,伴随着考试的结束,新一轮的留学申请热开始了,这时候你就应该多关注留学申请书 英文的最新动态,这样你才能做出最适合自己的决定。留学申请信中须注意下列几点:(1)写明申请学校和所学专业。(2)提供申请人的个人资历。(3)索取申请学校相关的申请表等。以下是一封留学英文申请信范例。尊敬的先生:我对贵研究生院的____系十分感兴趣,并计划申请____年秋季学期入学。我大学的GPA是____,并计划于____参加TOEFL和GRE考试。请寄送学校目录和申请表至如下地址:____在申请前是先选校还是先写文章?大部分的机构都是告诉学生先选择学校,专家说:学生没有考SAT的情况下,早选校不合适,应先准备文章。因为写完了共享申请表的文章(common essays)就等于写完了所有的共享文章,做完一个学校也就几乎等于做完了所有的学校,之后有经验的顾问就可以指导学生把所有重要的材料依据各校的自主命题和各校的招生偏好,将 *** 所有亮点组合而成的文章元素套用在各个学校,不是碰到新题目才去写新的文章。最重要的是要把学生自身经历中好的东西,筛选好,组织好,能把更好的东西,通过学校的命题和字数限制,让学校同时看到申请者的特色和全貌。

1Should I Study Abroad (留学的理由)

Every year thousands and thousands of people leave the comforts of their homes to learn English in countries such as the United States, Canada, England, and Australia Why do they do it Many feel that by studying a language in a country where it is spoken, they will be able to learn it more quickly Others feel that studying abroad gives them a kind of prestige in their home country It may even lead to a better job And quite a few people want to study abroad for the pure pleasure and excitement it brings

But living and studying in another country can also have its problems Almost everyone experiences some level of homesickness And a few people go home earlier than expected because their ideas about living in another country were different from reality

Is learning English abroad something you are interested in Whether to learn a language by studying abroad is a big decision You should be aware of what you are getting into before you start packing your bags

2Disadvantages of Studying Abroad (留学的弊端)

Studying abroad does not mean you will learn English magically Many people think that they just need to live in another country and they will learn the local language This is not completely true You still need to pay attention and study There are people who live in foreign countries for many, many years without knowing the language well However, it will probably come to you easier and faster than if you just studied the language in your home country

Studying abroad can be hard You will probably have times when you miss your family, friends, food, and everything familiar Almost everyone goes through some culture shock You will have to realize and accept that it will take some time to adjust to a new way of living

Studying abroad can be expensive There is no doubt that it takes money to study abroad It can vary from kind of expensive to very expensive Most places don't allow international students to work You will have to have the money before you arrive in the country or have someone from home support you Is this something that you and/or your family can afford

3Advantages of Studying Abroad (留学的优势)

You are surrounded by English Yes, you need to pay attention and do some studying, but everything comes faster when you do because English is everywhere- on the streets, in the stores, on the TV- you can't get away from it

Your eyes are opened to the world We often grow up thinking that our way of doing things is the only way, or sometimes the best way But living in a new culture helps us realize new ways of doing things, and also helps us to see that even though we are different, we are all human And in many cases, not only will you get to know the natives of the country you are visiting, you may get to know clas *** ates from all over the world

You learn to take care of yourself Living in another country, even if it is with a host family, means you might be doing things you may not have done in your home country These include cooking, cleaning, grocery shopping, washing clothes, figuring out transportation, making living arrangements, setting up accounts for cell phones and utilities, etc You may think of this as a disadvantage, but many international students go home proud that they have become very self sufficient

Your life will be forever changed One of the greatest things that happens when you do something as big as live in another country is- you become a changed person- your outlook on life is different Your new maturity can help lead you to new places in your life

You make memories that will last a lifetime Your pictures, journals, and souvenirs will help you remember your time abroad, but your memories and emotions of this special time will also be a part of your life until you are very old

So how can you know if studying abroad is right for you First, start by talking to people who have already done it Of course everyone will have his or her own experience and point of view, but it can be really helpful to hear what other people have to say If you don't know anyone who has studied abroad, ask others about their experiences through the internet Dave's ESL Cafe is a good place to start

Studying abroad can really change your life And hopefully if you decide to do it, it will be a wonderful experience for you The very best of luck to you


to study abroad


1 您申请出国留学我看没什么不可以的。

I can not see any reason why you shall not apply to study abroad


My dream is to study abroad but it is too expensive


In refusing to study abroad, she missed a life experience